MONTGOMERY, Ala. (WSFA) – The Kiwanis Club of Montgomery on Tuesday announced the 25 organizations that will share in $317,000 worth of grants generated by the most recent Alabama National Fair event.
The Kiwanis Club of Montgomery is the third largest Kiwanis Club in the world, and the Alabama National Fair is its annual fundraiser. The money generated from more than 100,000 fairgoers is used to support multiple children’s charities in the River Region, as well as a number of nonprofit agencies serving the needs of youth in the area.
The organizations include:
Adullam House | $20,000 |
One Place Family Justice Center | $11,000 |
LEAD Education Foundation | $20,000 |
Embrace Alabama Kids | $15,000 |
Guide Right Foundation of Montgomery | $7,500 |
Montgomery Education Foundation | $17,000 |
Women of Refined Gold | $5,000 |
Camp WheezeAway | $8,000 |
Valiant Cross Academy | $21,000 |
Bridge Builders Alabama | $10,000 |
EasterSeals Central Alabama | $8,000 |
Liberty Learning Foundation | $7,000 |
The Samaritan Counseling Center | $21,121 |
Alabama Shakespeare Festival | $5,000 |
Medical Advocacy Outreach | $10,500 |
AGAPE of Central Alabama | $25,000 |
New Beginnings Educational Center | $10,000 |
Rebuilding Together | $15,000 |
Service Dogs Alabama | $18,000 |
The Child First Alliance of Alabama | $7,500 |
That’s My Child | $13,212 |
Clefworks | $5,000 |
Montgomery S.T.E.P. Foundation | $10,000 |
Montgomery Botanical Garden at Oak Park | $15,000 |
Second Chance Foundation | $8,000 |